Marina Regulations
Poulsbo Marina Regulations Boat Survey Policy
Boat House Regulations Delinquency Policy
Free 4 Hour Stay Policy Appeal Policy
Hot Berthing Policy Slip Re-Assignment Policy
Slip Waitlist Policy Temporary Live-Aboard Transfer Policy
Pollution Prevention Information (DOE BMPs)
In an effort to improve the water quality in Puget Sound, the Department of Ecology has assembled and published sets of Best Management Practices (BMP) to serve as guidelines for marina operators and boat owners. These BMPs, if followed, will help prevent pollution from entering the waters of Liberty Bay and Puget Sound.
When cleaning or conducting repairs on your boat while it’s in the water, we ask that you follow the recommended practices in these documents. Thank you for being a good steward of Liberty Bay!
Clean Marina Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Resource Manual for Pollution Prevention in Marinas
Drone Use
Want to fly your drone over the Port of Poulsbo? Well it’s not as simple as you might think. The Port of Poulsbo is in a controlled airspace due to Liberty Bay being a FAA designated landing zone for sea planes. Drone pilots planning to fly under 400 feet in controlled airspace around airports must receive an airspace authorization from the FAA before they fly. This can be done through the FAA’s LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability). The authorization can be obtained by one of the Approved LAANC Service Supplier Apps listed on the FAA’s website B4UFLY.